Discover the Inspiring Stories from the Faces of the Frontline: Manufacturing's All Stars! Read Now
September 28, 2023
A recent IndustryWeek eBook, Generation Now Leadership, shares stories of how young workers have rapidly progressed in their careers and assumed leadership positions.
These insights are needed, as global workforce demographics are shifting rapidly. Older workers are retiring in droves, meaning Millennials will represent 75% of the workforce by 2025. As a result, younger leaders will increasingly manage multigenerational teams.
Gen Z and Millennial workers are needed to keep the manufacturing industry growing and thriving, so being able to develop leaders at pace is a critical capability that all firms must possess. Strong talent development capabilities also make manufacturing companies more competitive, as human resource teams can point to a strong track record of internal promotion when they source and recruit new talent.
The eBook shared multiple stories of how young leaders developed their careers. Across the stories, several strategies emerged, including:
The QAD Redzone Connected Workforce Solution provides pervasive access to real-time data, enables communication and collaboration via an app and other tools, and offers easy access to interactive learning. That’s appealing to young employees who want to work with technology.
Teams that use connected workforce solutions gain the data they need to perform their roles well and collaborate across functions to solve important production, quality, and maintenance issues. They also can leverage digital skills matrices to develop capabilities that their firms need now.
Managers benefit, too, by identifying who offers the most innovative ideas and shows emerging leadership skills so that they can tape them for more challenging assignments and roles.
QAD Redzone not only helps teams solve thorny production problems but also creates an innovation culture where all employees can do their best work, creating career success as they take their companies to new levels of performance.
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