Give your Frontlines a voice. You’ll like what you hear.
With a voice, frontline workers contribute their full potential. Redzone activates and elevates frontline teams; equipping them with new technology and skills to align with their company’s goals.
For the first time ever, production, maintenance and quality are connected and collaborating with purpose — winning together towards a common goal.
Everyone-to-Everyone Communication
With a digital identity and a voice when teams see something, they can say something. Endless ways to solve problems using social mobile communication: chats, video calls, pictures @mentions, line logs, push notifications, alerts, and more.
Leaders broadcast plant-wide safety communication and important customer information through channels, alerts, and leader videos.
Collaborate with Purpose
With Redzone, teams huddle around real-time data translated with Redzone’s AI, and talk about the right problems, they conduct root cause analyses, they implement actions, and they call the plays. With interlocking forums, each frontline team is connected to plant leadership who removes barriers as part of the problem-solving process.
Celebrate and Elevate
Rewarded behavior is repeated behavior and who doesn’t like breaking records!? Never miss a chance to recognize behaviors and results by sending high fives, good catches, and holding digital or in-person townhalls to elevate your frontlines.
“Redzone hat sich kulturell bewährt. Die Technologie hat unsere Arbeitsweise verändert. Wie gut wir kommunizieren. Auch das Mindset hat sich gewandelt. Sie hat wirklich etwas sehr Großartiges vollbracht.”
Rob Sarlls President & CEO
“Mit einer einfachen Sache wie der Chatfunktion in Redzone konnten die Leute plötzlich miteinander kommunizieren und Probleme wurden viel schneller gelöst, als wir es uns je hätten vorstellen können. Das ist ein großer Vorteil dieser Technologie.”
Tucker Lawrence EVP & Chief Supply Chain Officer
“Die Maschinenführer und neue Mitarbeiter lieben Redzone, weil es wie die Social-Media-Tools funktioniert, die sie aus ihrem Privatleben kennen. Die typische Reaktion: „Das ist cool!“”
Matt Parker Inhaber
“Die Kommunikation in Redzone ist schnell, offen und transparent. Dadurch hat sich die Stimmung unter den Maschinenführern deutlich verbessert. Es war nicht das übliche ‚Komm rein, mach deine Arbeit und dann geh wieder‘. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass das Leben einen Sinn haben und die Arbeit einen Zweck erfüllen muss.”
Terry LeDouxVP Digital Manufacturing
“Dank Redzone können wir auf allen Ebenen kommunizieren und sind immer auf dem Laufenden darüber, was in der Fertigung vor sich geht.”
Tony ScottiPresident
Enables digital communication to individuals, groups, or teams.
Functionality allows users to send photos, videos and documents.
Chats can be translated to/from over 100 languages.
Operator led per shift meeting using a digital configurable dashboard that allows visibility to hourly line OEE, location problem count, quality deviations, location log, actions, and problem-solving fishbone.
Key outputs are to understand if the team is winning or losing and take action to resolve any issues.
Daily Forums
Supervisor led daily operations meeting using a digital configurable dashboard that allows visibility to 24hr OEE trend by line/shift, run counts, huddle counts, quality checks, line actions and production schedule.
Key outputs are reviewing results vs. target, respond to huddle escalations, and remove any barriers.
Weekly Forums
Leadership team led weekly improvement meeting using a digital configurable dashboard that allows visibility to weekly OEE trend by line/shift, communication, recognition, and actions.
Key outputs are establishing goals, focusing on trends, and improvement projects.
Enables digital ways to recognize an individual or group with a ‘High Five’ for performance, ‘Good Catch’ for preventing a problem, or quickly ‘Rally’ the team around a short-term goal.
Dedicated communication channel for a one-way company update to all users.
Integrated Teams
Digital platform that fosters transparent & streamlined communication between production, quality, maintenance and other support teams.
Enable problem solving that drives sustainable results.